Tuesday, November 11, 2008

These boots are made for walkin...

Jack has a recent obsession with his rubber boots. The other day I was in the living room folding clothes and Jack was in his room playing. I hear him start to fuss, then start to cry. I went to see what was wrong and he was STANDING ON TOP OF HIS CHANGING TABLE!! Obviously I don't have a picture of this because I got him down before he broke his neck. He was trying to get his boots down from the shelf! Since then his boots have been a constant companion. He wears them all over, except for daycare and church. When we get him from his crib in the morning, he looks at us with bleary eyes and says "shoes?"

Here are some pictures from his recent boot-wearing.


Robin said...

that second picture is priceless!!

isn't it funny what they get attached to? you never know what it's gonna be!

Anonymous said...

amanda- that is too cute him naked with the boots. Is this what I have to look forward to.

Louisiana Belle said...

I love it! Both my boys have some rubber frog boots and I could eat them up when they wear them- it's so cute!

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