Okay, maybe the rolling thing was a fluke, because no matter how hard he tried today, rolling just wasn't happening. Ha! Here are some great pictures of Clint and Jack from this evening!
Jack rolled from his stomach to his back today!! We were so excited. This little boy just never stops. He's learning something new every day! I was cleaning around my bedroom and I put Jack on the bed to play. I put him on his stomach, and then a couple minutes later I noticed he was on his side trying to roll. I ran and got my camera, so the video only captures the second-half of the roll-over. Enjoy!
KayeGranny and Grandaddy came to Starkville to visit Jack this week. They want to be called KayeGranny and Dean! I didn't get any pictures of KayeGranny and Jack, but Jack and Dean got a couple of great pictures!
Jack has learned that he can touch things on purpose! I put him on the floor with his toy and he had so much fun hitting his rattle and making the thing play music. He was so proud of himself! He played like this for almost an hour!
Jack went today for his two month checkup and shots! He now weighs 11 lbs. 14 oz. and is 23 1/4 inches long. He is in the 55th percentile in both weight and height! Last night he slept for over 5 hours straight. We were so happy! Maybe he can stretch it out to 8 or 9 hours soon.
Last weekend Jack and I went to Baton Rouge to see Grandma, Aunt Sarah, the Douchants, and the McCullins. Jack had so much fun meeting that side of the family! We stayed with Jennifer and Laura, and my Mom and Dad drove over for the day on Saturday. Fun weekend!
Jack is such a little man! This week I have been teaching VBS, so he went to the VBS day care. Each class had a team name, and his baby class is the "Ducks." He has had so much fun looking at the other babies! He has been tired out every afternoon, as you can see!!