Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm NOT a baby!!

Jack is becoming a big boy! We've gotten rid of the high chair. We should have done that a long time ago, but never did. I'm so glad we don't have to look at that least for a while! (no that is not an announcement) I love babies and all that that entails, but I never enjoyed my house being taken over by baby items.

BIG NEWS! Jack pooped on the potty yesterday. He's been talking about doing that all week, and then yesterday out of the blue he came and got me and brought me to the toilet. He put all his poo in the potty, jumped off, and flushed the toilet! I can take absolutely no credit for this, and I have no idea how he learned that. Of course I went crazy! Dancing around, singing about poo in the potty, and we called everyone that might care (and some who probably don't). Jack was elated that mommy was so happy with him. Maybe he'll do it again this afternoon!

Clint and I both hate the idea of a little potty seat that we would have to clean out, so we bought this bigger potty seat that we can take off. We'll see how it works!

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