Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yay for Spring!

Well, the stomach bug made its way through Jack, Clint and me over the course of 48 hours. We're all better now and ready for fun! One of the main reasons we bought our house is for the yard. It's 1.04 acres and surrounded by privacy-bearing trees. Some people don't like a big yard, but we love it for the following reasons:

1. Free entertainment - it costs nothing to play kickball, dig in a flower bed, or make a bonfire.
2. Work ethic - Clint and I both grew up in families that required us to do yard work. We believe
it teaches responsibility and the value of working hard.
3. Ministry opportunities - Once the weather has consistently warmed up and Clint is done with
planting season, we want to have a big fish fry. I would also like to have a huge
waterslide/splash party this summer for the kids in our Sunday School class. It's easy
to find ways to invite lost friends when you have a place to entertain them.
4. We just like it - I love yard work (except for when it's 100 degrees). I love flower beds, raking,
planning the landscaping. Everything. It's a full year of something to do for relatively
lost cost.

Jack and I got out in the yard today and finished the raking.
Jack liked to help Mommy by throwing handfuls of leaves in the trashcan. So cute!

Jack took a snack break with some grapes. He ended up feeding them to Flapper. Isn't this the CUTEST picture??

Our massive pile of leaves to burn when Clint gets home this evening. This entire pile is just from our raking today. Be impressed!
I brought Jack inside for Round 2 of grapes (Flapper ate all the other ones) and I picked up the rakes from the yard. I came back inside and found him asleep on the floor! I guess he was worn out from all the raking!

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