Jack is attending Mother's Day Out on Thursdays for the next couple of weeks. This gives me a few hours' break and allows Jack to play with friends. Today I painted my lab tables at school. They look so great! They were wood-colored with tons of lovely grafitti from equally lovely students over the years. Today the tables are all a flat black and look so modern! I forgot to bring my camera to school today, so I'll take pictures whenever I finish the second coat.
I got a new camera this weekend to replace the one I ruined at the beach. I thought I'd love it because it's so small, but the pictures are almost always fuzzy!! Does anyone know how to fix this??
Jack had a great time at MDO! They asked me to put him in red, white, and blue. He also made a firecracker that he thinks is an airplane. Whatever. Here's a couple of pictures from today. Sorry they're all sideways. I forgot to rotate them!
Glad you had time to yourself. Carson is starting MDO in the fall. Can't wait for my free day.
You may have it set on the macro setting. The same was happening to me when I got a new phone, but my husband fixed it.
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